yunnan pu erh tea - Rockhampton - Other rentals, Rockhampton - 2850927


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yunnan pu erh tea - Other rentals

Ref. number: 2850927 Updated: 05-01-2020 02:28

Price: 29 AUD $

Offering: Other rentals in Australia, Rockhampton

Tea Boutiques Pu-erh tea comes from China’s Yunnan Province and is named after a village where it growing in southern Yunnan. This tea is highly valued in China where the processing methods have been a well-guarded secret for centuries. Pu-erh’s distinct flavor comes from the fact that after the leaves are picked, they are made into a sundried base tea called maocha and then fermented. After that, the leaves are aged and then packed into bricks or cakes. Pu-erh tea is the most oxidized form of tea, often aged, and sometimes very expensive. Unlike other teas, which get stale over time, pu-erh can mellow and improve with age like fine wine. Some pu-erh teas are more than 50 years old, and rare pu-erh tea can cost a lot. Website: Hangout: Whatsapp: +8615587209382

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First name: Allen
Last name: Yu
Mobile number: 8615587209382
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