PBT with non-reinforced medium viscosity can be used in injection mold - Rockhampton - Other services, Rockhampton - 3141530


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PBT with non-reinforced medium viscosity can be used in injection mold - Other services

Ref. number: 3141530 Updated: 22-03-2024 02:32

Offering: Other services in Australia, Rockhampton

PBT resin is a crystalline, linear saturated polyester, one of the engineering plastics with excellent comprehensive performance. Its main applications are used in automotive manufacturing, electrical and electronic appliances, fiber optic communications, can also be used in the textile industry.PBT can be in a wide range of temperatures to maintain good mechanical properties, and heat resistance, chemical resistance, excellent electrical properties.

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First name: Helen
Last name: Han
Phone number: +86 13821321522
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