Brief introduction
RTU5023/6/7/8/9 provide 1 input for temperature, humidity, analog, power voltage, power status monitoring and alarm.When the temperature, humidity, power voltage exceed high threshold or low threshold value, will send SMS alert to up to 10 preset mobile phone immediately.
Just dial from authorized user number, the Monitor Alarm unit will reject at the first “Ring”, no communication cost, and then return the current temperature, humidity, power status or voltage.It can report current status interval or daily.Moreover, it can also support Modbus RTU Over TCP and Modbus TCP to connect to cloud platform, then monitor the current status in real time through GSM/3G/4G network.
RTU5023/6/7/8/9 Monitor Alarm unit can be used for temperature, humidity, 4~20mA/0~5V analog signal, DC voltage, 3 phase power status, single phase power status monitoring and alarm, suitable for classrooms, public places, hospitals, stations, Food warehouses, offices, factories, libraries, laboratories, etc., and any place that requires and supports monitoring.
Mainly Features
GSM/GPRS/3G/4G network communication, can be operated from anywhere, no distance;
Multiple applications:temperature, humidity, power supply voltage, analog signal, 3 phase power status, single-phase power status, etc.;
Inbuilt MCU monitoring power supply input voltage value, measure range is 0~36V, no need additional sensor to save cost;
Up to 10 authorized phone numbers, 5 can be used to receive call or SMS, and 5 can be used to call and SMS while alarm occurrence;
Can set timer report and every x hours automatically send its status/value to the first authorized number;
Support remotely read historic data via SMS;
Rechargeable backup battery inside can last 8 hours;
Modular structure design, replace a module can upgrade the network from 2G to 3G/4G or 3G to 4G;
Compatible wall installation and DIN35mm industrial rail installation;
Support Modbus RTU Over TCP and Modbus TCP, can be connected to cloud platform.
Technical specifications
Item Reference Scope
DC Power supply Standard adapter:12VDC,Range 9~36VDC
Power consumption Standby:20mA@12V;Working Max:150mA@12V
GSM/3G/4G GSM frequency: 850/900/1800/1900MHz
SIM interface Support 3V SIM Card
External antenna SMA Antenna interface, 50 Ohm, Gain: 3dB
Protocol Modbus RTU Over TCP, Modbus TCP
Temp.&Hum Inputs AM230x:temperature range -40℃~80℃, accuracy±0.5℃,
humidity range 0~99%RH, accuracy ±3%RH
DS18B20:temperature range -55℃~125℃, accuracy ±0.5℃
Analog input 4~20mA or 0~5V
Phase power input Phase power voltage:100~500VAC
Backup Battery 3.7V/900mAh, can last 8 hours
Working temperature -10℃~60℃
Working Humidity Relative humidity 95% (condensation free)
Exterior dimension 70mm * 88mm * 30mm