ARM Linux Kernel 2*A7 128M+256M Nand Flash Edge Gateway - Rockhampton - Industrial Tools & Equipment, Rockhampton - 3182097


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ARM Linux Kernel 2*A7 128M+256M Nand Flash Edge Gateway - Industrial Tools & Equipment

Ref. number: 3182097 Updated: 06-02-2025 14:05

Price: 150 USD $

Offering: Industrial Tools & Equipment in Australia, Rockhampton

The ARMxy BL330 series is a versatile industrial ARM controller designed for flexible I/O configuration. It is based on the Allwinner Technology T113-i dual-core ARM Cortex-A7 + XuanTie C906 RISC-V + HiFi4 DSP heterogeneous multi-core processor. This industrial-grade computer features an ARM Cortex-A7 processor with clock speed of up to 1.2GHz. It is equipped with either 256Mbyte NAND Flash or 4/8GByte eMMC storage options and offers various combinations of 128M/256M/512M/1GByte DDR3 RAM and ROM.

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First name: BLIIoT
Last name: Technology
Phone number: 15818053345
Mobile number: 15818053345
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