ARM Architecture 2*A7 1+8G Programming Modbus MQTT IIoT Gateway - Rockhampton - Industrial Tools & Equipment, Rockhampton - 3182101


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ARM Architecture 2*A7 1+8G Programming Modbus MQTT IIoT Gateway - Industrial Tools & Equipment

Ref. number: 3182101 Updated: 06-02-2025 14:08

Price: 150 USD $

Offering: Industrial Tools & Equipment in Australia, Rockhampton

BL330 series ARM embedded computer supports a range of operating systems anddevelopment tools, including Linux-5.4.61 and Linux-RT-5.4.61 kernels, Ubuntu 20.04 operating system, Docker containers, Node-Red, Qt-5.12.5 and Qt-5.11.3 for graphical interface development.In addition, BL330 is compatible with BLIoTLink industrial protocol conversion software for data collection and transformation, and can seamless integration withvarious mainstream IoT cloud platforms and industrial SCADA software. Users can leverage the BLRAT for remote access and maintenance of the BL330 embedded computer. Additionally, with support for Node-Red, users can rapidly develop IoT applications on the BL330.

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First name: BLIIoT
Last name: Technology
Phone number: 15818053345
Mobile number: 15818053345
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