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Results found: 745 | 1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-150 | 151-180 | 181-210 | 211-240 | 241-270 | 271-300 | [>>300>>]
RK3562J/RK3562 4*A53+1*M0 ARM Calculator Equipped with BLIoTLink
30-12-2024 10:15 Price: 230 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
RK3562J/RK3562 4*A53+1*M0 ARM Calculator Equipped with BLIoTLink

1.Overview The ARMxy series ARM embedded computer BL370 series is an industrial-grade ARM controller with flexible I/O. It is designed with the Rockchip RK3562/RK3562J processor, featuringa quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 and a single-core ARM Cortex-M0, with a clock speed of up to 1.8GHz/2.0GHz. The BL370 series comes with 8/16/32GB eMMC, and various RAM and ROM combinations of 1/2/4GB LPDDR4X.

ARMxy Series Embedded Controller RK3562J/RK3562 4*A53+1M0 with 2*RS485
30-12-2024 10:13 Price: 230 USD $
Company sale offer: Barter, swap in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
ARMxy Series Embedded Controller RK3562J/RK3562 4*A53+1M0 with 2*RS485

1.Overview The ARMxy series ARM embedded computer BL370 series is an industrial-grade ARM controller with flexible I/O. It is designed with the Rockchip RK3562/RK3562J processor, featuringa quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 and a single-core ARM Cortex-M0, with a clock speed of up to 1.8GHz/2.0GHz. The BL370 series comes with 8/16/32GB eMMC, and various RAM and ROM combinations of 1/2/4GB LPDDR4X.

High-Performance ARM Controller RK3562J/RK3562 4*A53+1*M0 with 1TOPS
30-12-2024 10:11 Price: 230 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
High-Performance ARM Controller RK3562J/RK3562 4*A53+1*M0 with 1TOPS

1.Overview The ARMxy series ARM embedded computer BL370 series is an industrial-grade ARM controller with flexible I/O. It is designed with the Rockchip RK3562/RK3562J processor, featuringa quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 and a single-core ARM Cortex-M0, with a clock speed of up to 1.8GHz/2.0GHz. The BL370 series comes with 8/16/32GB eMMC, and various RAM and ROM combinations of 1/2/4GB LPDDR4X.

Compact Embedded 2*A7 Processor 512MB+4G ARM Programming IPC
30-12-2024 08:19 Price: 150 USD $
Offering: Industrial Tools & Equipment in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
Compact Embedded 2*A7 Processor 512MB+4G ARM Programming IPC

The ARMxy BL330 series is a versatile industrial ARM controller designed for flexible I/O configuration. It is based on the Allwinner Technology T113-i dual-core ARM Cortex-A7 + XuanTie C906 RISC-V + HiFi4 DSP heterogeneous multi-core processor. This industrial-grade computer features an ARM Cortex-A7 processor with clock speed of up to 1.

High quality Jewerly wax for gold and silver
30-12-2024 08:00
Offering: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
High quality Jewerly wax for gold and silver

Casting wax is mainly used in the field of aviation industry, civil precision casting, but also in the ship, automobile, telecommunication machinery, machine tools and other industries have a wide range of applications. Casting wax casting plays a role in molding fixed.1, casting wax, high and medium temperature precision casting particles, bead-shaped, high hardness, line shrinkage is small, good toughness, good stability, can be used repeatedly.

micronized polyethylene homopolymer for ink manufacturing
27-12-2024 08:19
Offering: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
micronized polyethylene homopolymer for ink manufacturing

MicroF_W168 is a water-based micronized polyethylene homopolymer. The average particle size of MicroF_W168 is between 5.5 and 6.0 microns, and the maximum particle size is 21 microns. Application: Top grade water-based ink, water-based wood coating, Waterborne coatings, etc; Addition quantity: about 1%, can be added directly in the water-based system; Advantage: can be directly dispersed in the water-based system; Characteristics: good storage stability, good smoothness and wear-resistant performance.

AIoT Edge Gateway 1 TOPS NPU 4+32G eMMc 4xA55 ARM Embedded Controller
27-12-2024 03:48 Price: 250 USD $
Company sale offer: Industrial Tools & Equipment in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
AIoT Edge Gateway 1 TOPS NPU 4+32G eMMc 4xA55 ARM Embedded Controller

The ARMxy BL410 series is a versatile industrial ARM controller designed for flexible I/O configuration. It is based on the Rockchip RK3568J/RK3568B2 processor, featuring aquad-core ARM Cortex-A55 architecture with clock speed up to 1.8GHz/2.0GHz. The device is equipped with 8/16/32GB eMMC storage and various combinations of 1/2/4GB LPDDR4X RAM.

ARMxy Series Calculator RK3562J/RK3562 4*A53+1*M0 with Python
26-12-2024 11:17 Price: 210 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
ARMxy Series Calculator RK3562J/RK3562 4*A53+1*M0 with Python

1.Overview The ARMxy series ARM embedded computer BL370 series is an industrial-grade ARM controller with flexible I/O. It is designed with the RK3562/RK3562J processor, featuringa quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 and a single-core ARM Cortex-M0, with a clock speed of up to 1.8GHz/2.0GHz. The BL370 series comes with 8/16/32GB eMMC, and various RAM and ROM combinations of 1/2/4GB LPDDR4X.

Industrial Calculator RK3562J/RK3562 4*A53+1*M0 64-Bit with Python
26-12-2024 11:15 Price: 210 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
Industrial Calculator RK3562J/RK3562 4*A53+1*M0 64-Bit with Python

1.Overview The ARMxy series ARM embedded computer BL370 series is an industrial-grade ARM controller with flexible I/O. It is designed with the RK3562/RK3562J processor, featuringa quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 and a single-core ARM Cortex-M0, with a clock speed of up to 1.8GHz/2.0GHz. The BL370 series comes with 8/16/32GB eMMC, and various RAM and ROM combinations of 1/2/4GB LPDDR4X.

Industrial Computer ARMxy Series RK3562J/RK3562 4*A53+1*M0
26-12-2024 11:14 Price: 210 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
Industrial Computer ARMxy Series RK3562J/RK3562 4*A53+1*M0

1.Overview The ARMxy series ARM embedded computer BL370 series is an industrial-grade ARM controller with flexible I/O. It is designed with the RK3562/RK3562J processor, featuringa quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 and a single-core ARM Cortex-M0, with a clock speed of up to 1.8GHz/2.0GHz. The BL370 series comes with 8/16/32GB eMMC, and various RAM and ROM combinations of 1/2/4GB LPDDR4X.

ARMxy Series Controller RK3562J/RK3562 4*A53+1*M0 64-Bit with Python
26-12-2024 11:12 Price: 210 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
ARMxy Series Controller RK3562J/RK3562 4*A53+1*M0 64-Bit with Python

1.Overview The ARMxy series ARM embedded computer BL370 series is an industrial-grade ARM controller with flexible I/O. It is designed with the RK3562/RK3562J processor, featuringa quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 and a single-core ARM Cortex-M0, with a clock speed of up to 1.8GHz/2.0GHz. The BL370 series comes with 8/16/32GB eMMC, and various RAM and ROM combinations of 1/2/4GB LPDDR4X.

OEM ARMxy Series T113-i 2*A7 ARM Controller with CAN/GPIO /Python
17-12-2024 06:53 Price: 183 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
OEM ARMxy Series T113-i 2*A7 ARM Controller with CAN/GPIO /Python

1.Overview The ARMxy BL330 series is a versatile industrial ARM controller designed for flexible I/O configuration. It is based on the Allwinner Technology T113-i dual-core ARM Cortex-A7 + XuanTie C906 RISC-V + HiFi4 DSP heterogeneous multi-core processor. This industrial-grade computer features an ARM Cortex-A7 processor with clock speed of up to 1.

T113-i 2*A7 32-Bit ARM Controller ARMxy Series Compatible with Docker
17-12-2024 06:52 Price: 183 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
T113-i 2*A7 32-Bit ARM Controller ARMxy Series Compatible with Docker

1.Overview The ARMxy BL330 series is a versatile industrial ARM controller designed for flexible I/O configuration. It is based on the Allwinner Technology T113-i dual-core ARM Cortex-A7 + XuanTie C906 RISC-V + HiFi4 DSP heterogeneous multi-core processor. This industrial-grade computer features an ARM Cortex-A7 processor with clock speed of up to 1.

T113-i 2*A7 ARM Industrial Controller ARMxy Series Compatible
17-12-2024 06:50 Price: 183 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
T113-i 2*A7 ARM Industrial Controller ARMxy Series Compatible

1.Overview The ARMxy BL330 series is a versatile industrial ARM controller designed for flexible I/O configuration. It is based on the Allwinner Technology T113-i dual-core ARM Cortex-A7 + XuanTie C906 RISC-V + HiFi4 DSP heterogeneous multi-core processor. This industrial-grade computer features an ARM Cortex-A7 processor with clock speed of up to 1.

ARM Embedded Computer T113-i 2*A7 Compatible with Ubuntu for Artificia
17-12-2024 06:48 Price: 183 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
ARM Embedded Computer T113-i 2*A7 Compatible with Ubuntu for Artificia

1.Overview The ARMxy BL330 series is a versatile industrial ARM controller designed for flexible I/O configuration. It is based on the Allwinner Technology T113-i dual-core ARM Cortex-A7 + XuanTie C906 RISC-V + HiFi4 DSP heterogeneous multi-core processor. This industrial-grade computer features an ARM Cortex-A7 processor with clock speed of up to 1.

ARMxy Series T113-i 2*A7 ARM Industrial PC Compatible with Python for
17-12-2024 06:47 Price: 183 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
ARMxy Series T113-i 2*A7 ARM Industrial PC Compatible with Python for

1.Overview The ARMxy BL330 series is a versatile industrial ARM controller designed for flexible I/O configuration. It is based on the Allwinner Technology T113-i dual-core ARM Cortex-A7 + XuanTie C906 RISC-V + HiFi4 DSP heterogeneous multi-core processor. This industrial-grade computer features an ARM Cortex-A7 processor with clock speed of up to 1.

ARMxy Series T113-i 2*A7 ARM Embedded Computer Compatible with Node-Re
17-12-2024 06:45 Price: 183 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
ARMxy Series T113-i 2*A7 ARM Embedded Computer Compatible with Node-Re

1.The ARMxy BL330 series is a versatile industrial ARM controller designed for flexible I/O configuration. It is based on the Allwinner Technology T113-i dual-core ARM Cortex-A7 + XuanTie C906 RISC-V + HiFi4 DSP heterogeneous multi-core processor. This industrial-grade computer features an ARM Cortex-A7 processor with clock speed of up to 1.

Efficient Remote Control S130 Cellular SMS Controller with 2DI 2Relay
17-12-2024 04:59 Price: 126 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
Efficient Remote Control S130 Cellular SMS Controller with 2DI 2Relay

1.Overview S130 is a cost-effective Cellular SMS Controller. The SMS controller features digital inputs, relay outputs, it can be used in places which require turning ON/OFF your system, machines, and equipment remotely with a text message from your mobile phone and protect your assets. 2.Typical Applications 1.

micronized polyethylene homopolymer forink, painting, coating
17-12-2024 02:57
Offering: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
micronized polyethylene homopolymer forink, painting, coating

MicroF_W168 is a water-based micronized polyethylene homopolymer. The average particle size of MicroF_W168 is between 5.5 and 6.0 microns, and the maximum particle size is 21 microns. Application: Top grade water-based ink, water-based wood coating, Waterborne coatings, etc; Addition quantity: about 1%, can be added directly in the water-based system; Advantage: can be directly dispersed in the water-based system; Characteristics: good storage stability, good smoothness and wear-resistant performance.

Modbus to IEC104 Protocol Converter
11-12-2024 04:46 Price: 50 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
Modbus to IEC104 Protocol Converter

1.Model Selection Model WAN LAN RS485 Uplink Downlink BE102 1 1 2 IEC104 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP BE102P 1 1 6 BE103 1 1 2 IEC104 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, DL/T645 BE103P 1 1 6 BE104 1 1 2 IEC104 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, BACnet/IP BE104P 1 1 6 BE107 1 1 2 IEC104 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, PLC BE107P 1 1 6 BE108 1 1 2 IEC104 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, Air conditioning protocols BE108P 1 1 6 BE110 1 1 2 IEC104 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, DL/T645, PLC, IEC104 BE110P 1 1 6 2.

Modbus to IEC104 Protocol Data Acquisition Gateway
11-12-2024 04:43 Price: 50 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
Modbus to IEC104 Protocol Data Acquisition Gateway

1.Model Selection Model WAN LAN RS485 Uplink Downlink BE102 1 1 2 IEC104 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP BE102P 1 1 6 BE103 1 1 2 IEC104 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, DL/T645 BE103P 1 1 6 BE104 1 1 2 IEC104 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, BACnet/IP BE104P 1 1 6 BE107 1 1 2 IEC104 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, PLC BE107P 1 1 6 BE108 1 1 2 IEC104 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, Air conditioning protocols BE108P 1 1 6 BE110 1 1 2 IEC104 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, DL/T645, PLC, IEC104 BE110P 1 1 6 2.

Modbus to IEC104 Power Grid Protocol Gateway
11-12-2024 04:40 Price: 50 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
Modbus to IEC104 Power Grid Protocol Gateway

1.Model Selection Model WAN LAN RS485 Uplink Downlink BE102 1 1 2 IEC104 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP BE102P 1 1 6 BE103 1 1 2 IEC104 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, DL/T645 BE103P 1 1 6 BE104 1 1 2 IEC104 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, BACnet/IP BE104P 1 1 6 BE107 1 1 2 IEC104 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, PLC BE107P 1 1 6 BE108 1 1 2 IEC104 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, Air conditioning protocols BE108P 1 1 6 BE110 1 1 2 IEC104 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, DL/T645, PLC, IEC104 BE110P 1 1 6 2.

DL/T645 to Modbus Protocol Conversion Gateway
11-12-2024 04:30 Price: 65 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
DL/T645 to Modbus Protocol Conversion Gateway

1.Model Selection Model WAN LAN RS485 Uplink Downlink BE111 1 1 2 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP IEC104, DL/T645, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP BE111P 1 1 6 BE112 1 1 2 OPC UA IEC104, DL/T645, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP BE112P 1 1 6 BE113 1 1 2 MQTT IEC104, DL/T645, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP BE113P 1 1 6 BE115 1 1 2 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, OPC UA, MQTT, IEC104 DL/T645, IEC104, PLC, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP BE115P 1 1 6 2.

IEC104 to Modbus Protocol Conversion Gateway
11-12-2024 04:23 Price: 65 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
IEC104 to Modbus Protocol Conversion Gateway

1.Model Selection Model WAN LAN RS485 Uplink Downlink BE111 1 1 2 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP IEC104, DL/T645, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP BE111P 1 1 6 BE112 1 1 2 OPC UA IEC104, DL/T645, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP BE112P 1 1 6 BE113 1 1 2 MQTT IEC104, DL/T645, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP BE113P 1 1 6 BE115 1 1 2 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, OPC UA, MQTT, IEC104 DL/T645, IEC104, PLC, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP BE115P 1 1 6 2.

IEC104 to Modbus Power Distribution Protocol Gateway
11-12-2024 03:48 Price: 65 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
IEC104 to Modbus Power Distribution Protocol Gateway

1.Model Selection Model WAN LAN RS485 Uplink Downlink BE111 1 1 2 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP IEC104, DL/T645, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP BE111P 1 1 6 BE112 1 1 2 OPC UA IEC104, DL/T645, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP BE112P 1 1 6 BE113 1 1 2 MQTT IEC104, DL/T645, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP BE113P 1 1 6 BE115 1 1 2 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, OPC UA, MQTT, IEC104 DL/T645, IEC104, PLC, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP BE115P 1 1 2.

DL/T645 to Modbus Power Distribution Protocol Gateway
11-12-2024 03:44 Price: 65 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
DL/T645 to Modbus Power Distribution Protocol Gateway

1.Model Selection Model WAN LAN RS485 Uplink Downlink BE111 1 1 2 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP IEC104, DL/T645, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP BE111P 1 1 6 BE112 1 1 2 OPC UA IEC104, DL/T645, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP BE112P 1 1 6 BE113 1 1 2 MQTT IEC104, DL/T645, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP BE113P 1 1 6 BE115 1 1 2 Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, OPC UA, MQTT, IEC104 DL/T645, IEC104, PLC, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP BE115P 1 1 6 2.

Cosmetic grade beeswax yellow and white
05-12-2024 07:34
Offering: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
Cosmetic grade beeswax yellow and white

Nowadays, beeswax has begun to be used as green food additives, coatings, packaging, additives in edible films, chewing gum and flavour enhancer carriers. Especially beeswax in the freshness of vegetables and fruits transport process, can prevent water evaporation and inhibit the growth of microorganisms, prolong the shelf life of fruits, has a very broad value of use.

±1.5°C Accuracy 8-Way Thermocouple Input Module Supports B/E/J/K/N/R/S
04-12-2024 03:57 Price: 130 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
±1.5°C Accuracy 8-Way Thermocouple Input Module Supports B/E/J/K/N/R/S

1.Model List Industrial Ethernet I/O Module Model List Model Description DC output DC input Power consumption M100T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 2DI, 2AI, 2DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 160mA@12V M110T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 4DI, 4DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 160mA@12V M120T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 4DI, 4AI, 4DO, 2AO 1 DC 24~36VDC 90mA@24V M130T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8DI, 4DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M140T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8DI, 8DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M150T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8DI, 4AI, 4DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M160T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8DI, 8AI, 8DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M170T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8DI, 4AI (16bit), 4DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 80mA@12V M180T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8DI, 8AI (16bit), 8DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M200T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 2AO 1 DC 24~36VDC 90mA@24V M210T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 4DI 1 DC 9~36VDC 160mA@12V M220T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 4DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 160mA@12V M230T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 4AI 1 DC 9~36VDC 160mA@12V M240T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 4 RTD, 2/3wire PT100/PT1000 1 DC 9~36VDC 100mA@12V M310T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8DI 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M320T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M330T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8AI 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M340T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8 RTD 2/3 wire PT100/PT1000 1 DC 9~36VDC 100mA@12V M350T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8TC, B/E/J/K/N/R/S/T 1 DC 9~36VDC 80mA@12V M360T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8AI (16bit) 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M410T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 16DI 1 DC 9~36VDC 160mA@12V M420T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 16DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 110mA@12V 2.

8-Way Thermocouple Input Module Supports B/E/J/K/N/R/S/T Type Thermoco
04-12-2024 03:56 Price: 130 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
8-Way Thermocouple Input Module Supports B/E/J/K/N/R/S/T Type Thermoco

1.Model List Industrial Ethernet I/O Module Model List Model Description DC output DC input Power consumption M100T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 2DI, 2AI, 2DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 160mA@12V M110T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 4DI, 4DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 160mA@12V M120T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 4DI, 4AI, 4DO, 2AO 1 DC 24~36VDC 90mA@24V M130T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8DI, 4DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M140T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8DI, 8DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M150T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8DI, 4AI, 4DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M160T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8DI, 8AI, 8DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M170T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8DI, 4AI (16bit), 4DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 80mA@12V M180T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8DI, 8AI (16bit), 8DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M200T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 2AO 1 DC 24~36VDC 90mA@24V M210T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 4DI 1 DC 9~36VDC 160mA@12V M220T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 4DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 160mA@12V M230T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 4AI 1 DC 9~36VDC 160mA@12V M240T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 4 RTD, 2/3wire PT100/PT1000 1 DC 9~36VDC 100mA@12V M310T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8DI 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M320T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M330T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8AI 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M340T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8 RTD 2/3 wire PT100/PT1000 1 DC 9~36VDC 100mA@12V M350T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8TC, B/E/J/K/N/R/S/T 1 DC 9~36VDC 80mA@12V M360T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8AI (16bit) 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M410T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 16DI 1 DC 9~36VDC 160mA@12V M420T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 16DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 110mA@12V 2.

±1.5°C Accuracy with 8-Way Thermocouple Input Module Supports B/E/J/K
04-12-2024 03:54 Price: 130 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
±1.5°C Accuracy with 8-Way Thermocouple Input Module Supports B/E/J/K

1.Model List Industrial Ethernet I/O Module Model List Model Description DC output DC input Power consumption M100T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 2DI, 2AI, 2DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 160mA@12V M110T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 4DI, 4DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 160mA@12V M120T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 4DI, 4AI, 4DO, 2AO 1 DC 24~36VDC 90mA@24V M130T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8DI, 4DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M140T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8DI, 8DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M150T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8DI, 4AI, 4DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M160T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8DI, 8AI, 8DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M170T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8DI, 4AI (16bit), 4DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 80mA@12V M180T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8DI, 8AI (16bit), 8DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M200T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 2AO 1 DC 24~36VDC 90mA@24V M210T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 4DI 1 DC 9~36VDC 160mA@12V M220T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 4DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 160mA@12V M230T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 4AI 1 DC 9~36VDC 160mA@12V M240T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 4 RTD, 2/3wire PT100/PT1000 1 DC 9~36VDC 100mA@12V M310T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8DI 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M320T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M330T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8AI 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M340T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8 RTD 2/3 wire PT100/PT1000 1 DC 9~36VDC 100mA@12V M350T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8TC, B/E/J/K/N/R/S/T 1 DC 9~36VDC 80mA@12V M360T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 8AI (16bit) 1 DC 9~36VDC 150mA@12V M410T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 16DI 1 DC 9~36VDC 160mA@12V M420T 1RJ45, 1RS485, 16DO 1 DC 9~36VDC 110mA@12V 2.

Results found: 745 | 1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-150 | 151-180 | 181-210 | 211-240 | 241-270 | 271-300 | [>>300>>]

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