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Results found: 748 | 1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-150 | 151-180 | 181-210 | 211-240 | 241-270 | 271-300 | [>>300>>]
Micronized polyethylene wax for plastic extrusion
18-03-2025 03:22
Offering: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
Micronized polyethylene wax for plastic extrusion

As an important additive, micronized wax has an irreplaceable role in the field of ink coatings. It can significantly improve the surface properties of ink coatings, enhance scratch resistance, abrasion resistance, anti-adhesion, as well as improve the feel and control the gloss. In addition, the micronized wax can prevent pigment settling and cooperate with matte powder to produce matte paint.

Micronized waxes for aqueous coatings and inks
13-03-2025 07:13
Offering: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
Micronized waxes for aqueous coatings and inks

As an important additive, micronized wax has an irreplaceable role in the field of ink coatings. It can significantly improve the surface properties of ink coatings, enhance scratch resistance, abrasion resistance, anti-adhesion, as well as improve the feel and control the gloss. In addition, the micronized wax can prevent pigment settling and cooperate with matte powder to produce matte paint.

Micronized wax powder specialized in wood coating
07-03-2025 03:19
Offering: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
Micronized wax powder specialized in wood coating

As an important additive, micronized wax has an irreplaceable role in the field of ink coatings. It can significantly improve the surface properties of ink coatings, enhance scratch resistance, abrasion resistance, anti-adhesion, as well as improve the feel and control the gloss. In addition, the micronized wax can prevent pigment settling and cooperate with matte powder to produce matte paint.

Embedded Dual-core A7 Processor 1.2GHz 1+8GB Ethernet ARM Gateway
02-03-2025 13:46 Price: 150 USD $
Offering: Industrial Tools & Equipment in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
Embedded Dual-core A7 Processor 1.2GHz 1+8GB Ethernet ARM Gateway

The ARMxy BL330 series is a versatile industrial ARM controller designed for flexible I/O configuration. It is based on the Allwinner Technology T113-i dual-core ARM Cortex-A7 XuanTie C906 RISC-V HiFi4 DSP heterogeneous multi-core processor. This industrial-grade computer features an ARM Cortex-A7 processor with clock speed of up to 1.

Cortex-A7 SOM 256MB+4GB ARM Architecture Programming Gateway Compatibl
02-03-2025 13:35 Price: 200 AUD $
Offering: Industrial Tools & Equipment in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
Cortex-A7 SOM 256MB+4GB ARM Architecture Programming Gateway Compatibl

The ARMxy BL330 series is a versatile industrial ARM controller designed for flexible I/O configuration. It is based on the Allwinner Technology T113-i dual-core ARM Cortex-A7 + XuanTie C906 RISC-V + HiFi4 DSP heterogeneous multi-core processor. This industrial-grade computer features an ARM Cortex-A7 processor with clock speed of up to 1.

DIN Rail ARM Controller Quad-core A55 1.8GHz+2+16GB for EMS/BMS Energy
01-03-2025 15:02 Price: 200 AUD $
Offering: Industrial Tools & Equipment in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
DIN Rail ARM Controller Quad-core A55 1.8GHz+2+16GB for EMS/BMS Energy

The ARMxy BL410 series is a versatile industrial ARM controller designed for flexible I/O configuration. It is based on the Rockchip RK3568J/RK3568B2 processor, featuring aquad-core ARM Cortex-A55 architecture with clock speed up to 1.8GHz/2.0GHz. The device is equipped with 8/16/32GB eMMC storage and various combinations of 1/2/4GB LPDDR4X RAM.

ARM-based 4xA53 2+16 GIndustrial Computer for Smart Energy Systems
01-03-2025 14:49 Price: 200 USD $
Offering: Industrial Tools & Equipment in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
ARM-based 4xA53 2+16 GIndustrial Computer for Smart Energy Systems

The ARMxy BL340 series is an industrial ARM controller based on the Allwinner T507-H processor with a quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 CPU, up to 1.4GHz. It features 8/16GB eMMC and 1/2GB DDR4 memory. The BL340 offers various I/O interfaces, including 1-3 10/100M Ethernet ports, USB 2.0, HDMI 2.0, and optional I/O boards for communication, PWM output, pulse counting, and data control.

Smart City ARM Edge Computer, 4*A53 2+16GB 1.4GHz supports Intelligent
01-03-2025 14:43 Price: 200 USD $
Offering: Industrial Tools & Equipment in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
Smart City ARM Edge Computer,  4*A53 2+16GB 1.4GHz supports Intelligent

The ARMxy BL340 series is an industrial ARM controller based on the Allwinner T507-H processor with a quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 CPU, up to 1.4GHz. It features 8/16GB eMMC and 1/2GB DDR4 memory. The BL340 offers various I/O interfaces, including 1-3 10/100M Ethernet ports, USB 2.0, HDMI 2.0, and optional I/O boards for communication, PWM output, pulse counting, and data control.

BL340 Series Industrial Programming Gateway with ARM Cortex-A55 and 2+
01-03-2025 14:29 Price: 200 USD $
Offering: Industrial Tools & Equipment in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
BL340 Series Industrial Programming Gateway with ARM Cortex-A55 and 2+

The ARMxy BL340 series is an industrial ARM controller based on the Allwinner T507-H processor with a quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 CPU, up to 1.4GHz. It features 8/16GB eMMC and 1/2GB DDR4 memory. The BL340 offers various I/O interfaces, including 1-3 10/100M Ethernet ports, USB 2.0, HDMI 2.0, and optional I/O boards for communication, PWM output, pulse counting, and data control.

4*A53 2+16GB DDR4 ARM Embedded Industrial Computer with Powerful Proce
01-03-2025 14:22 Price: 200 USD $
Offering: Industrial Tools & Equipment in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
4*A53 2+16GB DDR4 ARM Embedded Industrial Computer with Powerful Proce

The ARMxy BL340 series is an industrial ARM controller based on the Allwinner T507-H processor with a quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 CPU, up to 1.4GHz. It features 8/16GB eMMC and 1/2GB DDR4 memory. The BL340 offers various I/O interfaces, including 1-3 10/100M Ethernet ports, USB 2.0, HDMI 2.0, and optional I/O boards for communication, PWM output, pulse counting, and data control.

Industrial 2DIN+2DO 4*A53 Kernel 1.4GHz 1+8G Programmable Embedded Con
01-03-2025 14:12 Price: 200 USD $
Offering: Industrial Tools & Equipment in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
Industrial 2DIN+2DO 4*A53 Kernel 1.4GHz 1+8G Programmable Embedded Con

The ARMxy BL340 series is an industrial ARM controller based on the Allwinner T507-H processor with a quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 CPU, up to 1.4GHz. It features 8/16GB eMMC and 1/2GB DDR4 memory. The BL340 offers various I/O interfaces, including 1-3 10/100M Ethernet ports, USB 2.0, HDMI 2.0, and optional I/O boards for communication, PWM output, pulse counting, and data control.

Micronized wax for hot melt adhesive
28-02-2025 08:55
Offering: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
Micronized wax for hot melt adhesive

The application of micronized wax in ink is mainly reflected in the following aspects: Improvement of scratch resistance and abrasion resistance: micronized wax can enhance the scratch resistance and abrasion resistance of ink, so that the ink is not easy to be scratched or abraded in the printing process.

Micronized wax for powder coatings
25-02-2025 03:15
Offering: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
Micronized wax for powder coatings

The application of micronized wax in ink is mainly reflected in the following aspects: Improvement of scratch resistance and abrasion resistance: micronized wax can enhance the scratch resistance and abrasion resistance of ink, so that the ink is not easy to be scratched or abraded in the printing process.

Micronized wax for alloys
24-02-2025 02:55
Offering: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
Micronized wax for alloys

The application of micronized wax in ink is mainly reflected in the following aspects: Improvement of scratch resistance and abrasion resistance: micronized wax can enhance the scratch resistance and abrasion resistance of ink, so that the ink is not easy to be scratched or abraded in the printing process.

Micronized polyethylene wax for UV light curing coatings
21-02-2025 07:49
Offering: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...

The application of micronized wax in ink is mainly reflected in the following aspects: Improvement of scratch resistance and abrasion resistance: micronized wax can enhance the scratch resistance and abrasion resistance of ink, so that the ink is not easy to be scratched or abraded in the printing process.

High grade micronized wax for wood coatings
20-02-2025 03:59
Offering: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...

The application of micronized wax in ink is mainly reflected in the following aspects: Improvement of scratch resistance and abrasion resistance: micronized wax can enhance the scratch resistance and abrasion resistance of ink, so that the ink is not easy to be scratched or abraded in the printing process.

PNP NPN High Pulse Output Supports Modbus TCP MQTT SNMP PLC Expansion
19-02-2025 03:56 Price: 187 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
PNP NPN High Pulse Output Supports Modbus TCP MQTT SNMP PLC Expansion

1.Overview The M series Ethernet Remote I/O Module is an industrial class, isolated designed, high reliability, high stability and high precision data acquisition module, embedded 32-Bit High Performance Microprocessor MCU, Integrated 1 Industrial 10/100M adaptive Ethernet module inside. It comes with multi I/O, supports standard Modbus TCP, supports Modbus master and slave, can be integrated into SCADA, OPC server, and other automation systems.

2 Channel 0-10V 12Bits Aanalog Outputs Modbus Remote IO for Industrial
19-02-2025 03:24 Price: 147 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
2 Channel 0-10V 12Bits Aanalog Outputs Modbus Remote IO for Industrial

1.Overview The M series Ethernet Remote I/O Module is an industrial class, isolated designed, high reliability, high stability and high precision data acquisition module, embedded 32-Bit High Performance Microprocessor MCU, Integrated 1 Industrial 10/100M adaptive Ethernet module inside. It comes with multi I/O, supports standard Modbus TCP, supports Modbus master and slave, can be integrated into SCADA, OPC server, and other automation systems.

2 Channel 0-20mA AI MQTT Remote I/O Module for IoT Devices Monitoring
19-02-2025 03:23 Price: 147 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
2 Channel 0-20mA AI MQTT Remote I/O Module for IoT Devices Monitoring

1.Overview The M series Ethernet Remote I/O Module is an industrial class, isolated designed, high reliability, high stability and high precision data acquisition module, embedded 32-Bit High Performance Microprocessor MCU, Integrated 1 Industrial 10/100M adaptive Ethernet module inside. It comes with multi I/O, supports standard Modbus TCP, supports Modbus master and slave, can be integrated into SCADA, OPC server, and other automation systems.

High Pulse Output Data Acquisition Module M100T for Energy Storage
19-02-2025 03:00 Price: 135 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
High Pulse Output Data Acquisition Module M100T for Energy Storage

1.Overview The M series Ethernet Remote I/O Module is an industrial class, isolated designed, high reliability, high stability and high precision data acquisition module, embedded 32-Bit High Performance Microprocessor MCU, Integrated 1 Industrial 10/100M adaptive Ethernet module inside. It comes with multi I/O, supports standard Modbus TCP, supports Modbus master and slave, can be integrated into SCADA, OPC server, and other automation systems.

BLIIOT Ethernet IO Module with RS485 2DI 2AI 2DO for Wind power
19-02-2025 02:59 Price: 135 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
BLIIOT Ethernet IO Module with RS485 2DI 2AI 2DO for Wind power

1.Overview The M series Ethernet Remote I/O Module is an industrial class, isolated designed, high reliability, high stability and high precision data acquisition module, embedded 32-Bit High Performance Microprocessor MCU, Integrated 1 Industrial 10/100M adaptive Ethernet module inside. It comes with multi I/O, supports standard Modbus TCP, supports Modbus master and slave, can be integrated into SCADA, OPC server, and other automation systems.

High-Precision RS485 2DI 2AI 2DO I/O Remote IO Cascade Module
19-02-2025 02:57 Price: 135 USD $
Company sale offer: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
High-Precision RS485 2DI 2AI 2DO I/O Remote IO Cascade Module

1.Overview The M series Ethernet Remote I/O Module is an industrial class, isolated designed, high reliability, high stability and high precision data acquisition module, embedded 32-Bit High Performance Microprocessor MCU, Integrated 1 Industrial 10/100M adaptive Ethernet module inside. It comes with multi I/O, supports standard Modbus TCP, supports Modbus master and slave, can be integrated into SCADA, OPC server, and other automation systems.

Micronized wax for packing
18-02-2025 08:30
Offering: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
Micronized wax for packing

The application of micronized wax in ink is mainly reflected in the following aspects: Improvement of scratch resistance and abrasion resistance: micronized wax can enhance the scratch resistance and abrasion resistance of ink, so that the ink is not easy to be scratched or abraded in the printing process.

Micronized wax for epoxy resin
17-02-2025 08:17
Offering: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
Micronized wax for epoxy resin

The application of micronized wax in ink is mainly reflected in the following aspects: Improvement of scratch resistance and abrasion resistance: micronized wax can enhance the scratch resistance and abrasion resistance of ink, so that the ink is not easy to be scratched or abraded in the printing process.

Powder microcrystalline wax for candle making
11-02-2025 02:48
Offering: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
Powder microcrystalline wax for candle making

The application of micronized wax in ink is mainly reflected in the following aspects: Improvement of scratch resistance and abrasion resistance: micronized wax can enhance the scratch resistance and abrasion resistance of ink, so that the ink is not easy to be scratched or abraded in the printing process.

High Quality Fischer Tropsch Wax FT Wax Syy-60
10-02-2025 06:48
Offering: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
High Quality Fischer Tropsch Wax FT Wax Syy-60

Features and Benefits: 1.High melting point 2.High hardness 3.Low oil content Properties: Properties Unit Test method Specifications Result Melting point ºC GB/T8026 ≥62 65.2 Penetration 0.1mm/100g 5s at25ºC GB/T4985 ≤25 19.1 Oil content % GB/T3554 ≤7 2.93 Viscosity mm2/s@140ºC GB/T265 Report 4.

Honeywell Powder OPE wax for candle additive
10-02-2025 06:47
Offering: General for sale in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
Honeywell Powder OPE wax for candle additive

The application of micronized wax in ink is mainly reflected in the following aspects: Improvement of scratch resistance and abrasion resistance: micronized wax can enhance the scratch resistance and abrasion resistance of ink, so that the ink is not easy to be scratched or abraded in the printing process.

Industrial Grade Cortex-A53 1.4GHz 1+8G Linux Edge Gateway
07-02-2025 02:39 Price: 200 USD $
Offering: Industrial Tools & Equipment in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
Industrial Grade Cortex-A53 1.4GHz 1+8G Linux Edge Gateway

The ARMxy BL340 series is an industrial ARM controller based on the Allwinner T507-H processor with a quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 CPU, up to 1.4GHz. It features 8/16GB eMMC and 1/2GB DDR4 memory. The BL340 offers various I/O interfaces, including 1-3 10/100M Ethernet ports, USB 2.0, HDMI 2.0, and optional I/O boards for communication, PWM output, pulse counting, and data control.

BLIIoT ARM Embedded 4 x A53 1+8G DDR4 Edge Gateway as BACnet Converter
06-02-2025 14:13 Price: 150 USD $
Offering: Industrial Tools & Equipment in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
BLIIoT ARM Embedded 4 x A53 1+8G DDR4 Edge Gateway as BACnet Converter

The ARMxy BL340 series is an industrial ARM controller based on the Allwinner T507-H processor with a quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 CPU, up to 1.4GHz. It features 8/16GB eMMC and 1/2GB DDR4 memory. The BL340 offers various I/O interfaces, including 1-3 10/100M Ethernet ports, USB 2.0, HDMI 2.0, and optional I/O boards for communication, PWM output, pulse counting, and data control.

Embedded Dual-core A7 512MB+8G Modbus to IEC61850 Substation Gateway
06-02-2025 14:11 Price: 150 USD $
Offering: Industrial Tools & Equipment in Australia, Rockhampton ... View detailed ...
Embedded Dual-core A7 512MB+8G Modbus to IEC61850 Substation Gateway

This embedded computer is widely used in industrial IoT, photovoltaic power generation and energy storage systems, automation control, and transportation and rail applications..

Results found: 748 | 1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-150 | 151-180 | 181-210 | 211-240 | 241-270 | 271-300 | [>>300>>]

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